Mayne Island Integrated Water Systems Society

Mayne Island Integrated Water Systems Society is a 100% volunteer non profit Society of concerned citizens, water purveyors, sister Associations and industry, drawn from the Gulf Islands and Vancouver Island, with a mandate to facilitate, educate and lobby on water conservation, preservation and protection for the Gulf Islands. Formed in the 1980s, bringing together only organized water systems for discussions, sharing supplies and information, MIIWSS expanded membership capabilities in 2005, inviting individual well owners, as well as water systems, groundwater organizations and members of the water industry to participate, regardless of location.

Integrated Water facilitates educational forums, articles and outreach programming. All funding is dedicated to the fulfilling of this mandate, including lobbying for the betterment of groundwater legislation, supply delivery, and groundwater protection, focusing on the Islands.

Our Chairperson, Mary Cooper, won the 2008 Individual Island's Trust Stewardship Award for her work on our behalf in water conservation, preservation, and protection on the Gulf Islands.

Membership ($5.00 annually) is open to all who share concerns about the future of potable water for Gulf Islands, be they an individual well owner, or a resident of an organized water system drawing from community wells. Like minded Associations and industry businesses lend their expertise to the community with their active participation. Check the membership link.


Previously at MIIWSS...

  • EcoStar Award Winner 2010

    Past President Mary Cooper - 2010 EcoStar Award